Crowd Quick Start

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Crowd is a user research and feedback platform designed to identify usability issues at any stage of development. By offering insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, Crowd helps businesses tailor their products and services effectively, saving time and resources.

Why Use Crowd?

- Proactive Problem-Solving

Crowd enables you to analyze feedback early, uncovering user pain points and growth opportunities before they escalate. This proactive approach helps you address issues and capitalize on new opportunities promptly.

- All-in-One Platform

With Crowd, you can streamline your user research and feedback process. The platform includes unmoderated tests, moderated sessions, a feedback widget, a Kanban board, and a doc, all in one cohesive suite, ensuring consistent insights and easy decision-making.

- Enhanced Product Success and ROI

Crowd ensures your product development is user-centric. By continuously aligning with user needs, you can reduce time-to-market, boost product adoption, enhance user satisfaction, and increase your return on investment.

For more information, visit

Not sure where to start? Follow the steps below;

  1. Create an Account

  2. Explore Your Dashboard

Step 1: Create an Account

Sign Up for Free:

  • Go to the Crowd website and sign up.

  • You'll need to provide some basic information such as your name, email address, and password.

Email Verification:

  • After signing up, Crowd will send a verification email to the email address you provided.

  • Open your email inbox, find the verification email from Crowd, and click the verification link inside the email.

  • This link will confirm your email address and activate your Crowd account.


  • Once your Crowd account is activated, you'll be directed to the onboarding page. Here, you'll need to fill in some necessary information to customize your experience.

Learn more on how to set up your account

Explore Pricing:

To understand the features available in different plans, visit the pricing page on the Crowd website at

Step 2: Explore Your Dashboard

After signing up, you'll land on your dashboard. This is your central hub for all user research activities. Here, you can access crowd features such as unmoderated tests, moderated sessions, Feedback Widget, Docs, and the Kanban board. The dashboard features an intuitive and user-friendly design, allowing you to easily navigate through various tools and resources.

For a comprehensive overview of how to make the most of your dashboard, refer to our "Explore Your Crowd Dashboard" video. This video will walk you through the various elements and show you how to navigate and utilize the dashboard effectively.

Additional Resources

Crowd Youtube Channel
Crowd Blog
Crowd Guides

Still need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, please let our Support team know — we'll be happy to help!