Home Feedback Widget Crowds feedback widget feature and when to use it

Crowds feedback widget feature and when to use it

Last updated on Jul 07, 2024

Key Points;

  • What is Feedback Widget

  • Types of Feedback Widget on Crowd

  • Choosing the right Feedback Widget for your test

  • When to use the single and multiple Feedback Widget


Feedback widgets are tool that allow users and website visitors to provide their feedback, make suggestions, or report issues directly on your website or within your application. They are an essential part of understanding your users' needs, identifying issues, and making data-driven decisions.

Types of Feedback Widget on Crowd

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) Widget: Specifically designed to collect NPS feedback, asking users to rate how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others.

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Widget: A widget that gathers CSAT feedback by asking users to rate their satisfaction with your product or service, on a scale.

  • Feature Request Widget: Solicits user input on desired features or enhancements to your product, helping you prioritize development efforts.

  • Bug Tracking Widget: Specifically designed for users to report software bugs or issues they encounter in your product.

Choosing the Right Feedback Widget

Before implementing a feedback widget, it's important to choose the right one for your needs. Consider the following factors:

  • Type of Feedback: Determine whether you need general feedback, specific product feedback, or customer support-related feedback.

  • User Interface: Choose a widget that fits seamlessly with your website or app's design and user experience.

  • Placement: Decide where you want to position your feedback widget (e.g., a button, a tab on the side, or a pop-up modal).

  • Target Audience: Understand who your users are and tailor the widget to their preferences.

When to use single and multiple Feedback Widget

This depends on your specific goals and the complexity of the information you need to collect. Here are some guidelines for when to use single and multiple feedback methods:

Single Feedback Method:

  • When You Have a Specific Question: Use a single feedback method, such as a short survey or a single-question form when you have a precise question that requires a straightforward answer. For example, asking for a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 for customer satisfaction.

  • Quick Pulse Checks: Single feedback methods are ideal for quick pulse checks to gauge general sentiment or to gather responses to a particular issue or event. These are efficient for collecting data with minimal user effort.

  • Limited User Engagement: When you anticipate that users may be reluctant to provide detailed feedback or have limited time or patience to do so, a single-question approach can be more effective in obtaining responses.

  • A/B Testing: Single feedback methods are useful in A/B testing scenarios where you want to compare the impact of two different options or designs by asking a single, specific question about user preference.

Multiple Feedback Methods:

  • Comprehensive User Insight: If you aim to gather a wide range of insights, opinions, and suggestions from users, using multiple feedback methods is recommended. This approach allows users to express themselves in more detail.

  • Complex Problems: When you're dealing with complex issues or situations that require in-depth feedback to understand fully, employing multiple feedback methods, such as surveys, open-ended questions, and interviews, can provide a more holistic view.

  • Product Development: When you're in the process of product development or major changes, it's beneficial to use multiple feedback methods to gather user preferences, identify pain points, and explore feature requests.

  • Continuous Improvement: For ongoing, iterative product or service improvement, implementing various feedback methods can help you make ongoing adjustments based on the evolving needs and preferences of your users.

  • Qualitative Insights: If you need to gather qualitative data, such as in-depth user stories, narratives, or testimonials, combining surveys with interviews, or user testing can provide richer insights.

  • Identifying Root Causes: Multiple feedback methods can be useful when trying to identify the root causes of issues. Surveys may highlight problems, while follow-up interviews can provide context and potential solutions.