Home Guides Feedback widget and best practices for collecting feedback

Feedback widget and best practices for collecting feedback

Last updated on Jun 14, 2024

Key Points;

  • Best practices for collecting feedback

  • Implementing a feedback widget

Best Practices For Collecting Feedback

  1. Clearly Define Objectives: Before collecting feedback, outline your goals and what specific information you're seeking to gather. Be clear about the problems you want to address or the aspects of your product or service that need improvement.

  2. Create User-Friendly Feedback Forms: If using forms or surveys, design them to be user-friendly and easy to complete. Keep them short, use plain language, and offer clear instructions. Include a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions.

  3. Implement Feedback Widgets: Use feedback widgets on your website or within your application to make it easy for users to provide feedback in real time. Widgets can be strategically placed for maximum visibility.

  4. Anonymity and Privacy: Allow users to provide feedback anonymously, especially if they are sharing negative experiences or sensitive information. Ensure that user data is protected and that privacy is maintained.

  5. Timing and Context: Ask for feedback at appropriate times and in relevant contexts. For example, request feedback after a support interaction, following a purchase, or during specific interactions with your product.

  6. Incentives: Consider providing incentives, such as discounts, access to exclusive content, or other rewards, to encourage users to provide feedback.

  7. Multichannel Approach: Collect feedback through multiple channels, including email, on-site widgets, social media, and user interviews. Different channels can reach different user segments and provide diverse insights.

  8. Listen Actively: Actively listen to the feedback you receive. Show empathy and acknowledge the user's perspective, even if you can't immediately address their concerns.

  9. Respond and Close the Feedback Loop: Respond to user feedback promptly. Whether it's a thank-you message or addressing a specific issue, closing the feedback loop shows that you value user input.

  10. Analyze and Prioritize: Analyze the feedback systematically. Identify recurring themes, common pain points, and opportunities for improvement. Prioritize changes based on the impact and feasibility.

  11. Implement Changes Transparently: After making improvements based on feedback, communicate the changes to your users. Transparency builds trust and shows that you're responsive to their needs.

  12. Continuous Monitoring: Collect feedback regularly and consistently. User needs and preferences can evolve, and ongoing monitoring ensures that your products and services stay aligned with these changes.

  13. Training and Empowerment: Train your support and customer service teams to collect and manage feedback effectively. Empower them to address user concerns and escalate feedback to the relevant teams.

  14. Data Integration: Integrate feedback data with other user data and analytics to gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and sentiment.

  15. User Testing and Observational Feedback: Combine qualitative feedback methods, such as user testing and observational feedback, with quantitative data to gain a holistic view of user experiences.

  16. Benchmarking: Benchmark your feedback against industry standards or competitors to gain context and identify areas where you can excel.

  17. Iterate and Improve: Continuously iterate on your feedback collection processes and act on the insights you gain. Improvement should be an ongoing, iterative process.

Implementing A Feedback Widget

Once you've selected the right widget, the next step is implementation.

  1. Navigate to your dashboard, click on “Feedback Widget”, and click on "Create new widget"

Tips: You can select from our numerous feedback widget templates. Rather than building one from scratch.

2. Select the widget type you want to create. Single or Multiple feedback types.

3. Customize your widget

  • Edit the widget name.

  • Select the preferred feedback type for your widget.

  • Style your widget to your preference.

  • Customize your thank you message page.

  • Customize your "Display rule".

4. Install the widget code.

  • Configure the widget's placement on your website or app. Ensure it's easily accessible and visible to users.

  • Before making it live, thoroughly test the widget's functionality to make sure it's working as expected.