Home Guides Crowd widget and its different feedback types

Crowd widget and its different feedback types

Last updated on Jan 31, 2024

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  1. Nps With Crowd Feedback Widget

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely used metric that gauges customer loyalty by asking customers to rate the likelihood they would recommend a product or service to others. Integrating NPS with a crowd widget can provide a more comprehensive feedback system and allow businesses to tap into crowdsourced insights about their performance. Here's how you can effectively use NPS with a crowd widget:


  • Embed NPS Question: Within your crowd widget, embed the standard NPS question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [Product/Service/Brand] to a friend or colleague?"

  • Follow-up Questions: Allow space for open-ended feedback so respondents can elaborate on their scores. This can provide context to the numeric rating and offer actionable insights.


  • Promoters (9-10): Users who are extremely likely to recommend your product or service.

  • Passives (7-8): Satisfied users who are neutral and might switch to competitors under the right circumstances.

  • Detractors (0-6): Unhappy users who could potentially harm your brand through negative word-of-mouth.


  • Aggregate Data: Calculate your overall NPS by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This will give you a score between -100 and 100.

  • Feedback Themes: Analyze the open-ended feedback to identify common themes or issues among promoters, passives, and detractors.

Feedback Loop:

  • Engage with Respondents: Consider reaching out to detractors to understand their grievances and potentially convert them into promoters. Similarly, engage with promoters to understand what you're doing right.

  • Continuous Feedback: Use the crowd widget to continuously solicit NPS feedback, tracking how your score evolves over time and in response to changes or improvements you make.

Actionable Insights:

  • Address Common Issues: Use feedback from detractors to identify and address widespread issues or pain points.

  • Leverage Promoter Feedback: Understand what's working well and consider doubling down on those areas.

Integration with Other Tools:

  • Task Management: Integrate the feedback from the crowd widget into the Crowd Kanban board to ensure that actionable insights are addressed.

  • CRM Integration: If applicable, integrate with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track individual user feedback and tailor your interactions accordingly.

Data Visualization:

  • Use dashboards to visualize your NPS trends over time, the distribution of promoters, passives, and detractors, and the key themes emerging from open-ended feedback.

Data Privacy:

  • Ensure that NPS responses, especially open-ended feedback, are collected and stored in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

  • Provide transparency to respondents about how their feedback will be used.

Promote the NPS Question:

  • Encourage users to participate by highlighting the simplicity of the NPS question and the value their feedback brings.

By integrating NPS with a crowd widget, businesses can gain both a quantitative measure of customer loyalty and qualitative insights to drive improvement. The real value lies in not just collecting the scores but in acting on the feedback to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

2. Csat Surveys With Crowd Feedback Widget

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are designed to measure the satisfaction of your users with a specific interaction or transaction. When integrating CSAT surveys with Crowd feedback widget, you offer a convenient and seamless way for users to share their experiences. Here’s a guide on how to effectively use CSAT surveys with Crowd feedback widget:

Survey Design:

  • Simplicity: CSAT questions should be direct and concise, often centered around "How satisfied were you with [specific interaction/feature]?"

  • Rating Scale: Crowd CSAT uses a star scale, such as 1-5, where 1 might mean "Very Unsatisfied" and 5 means "Very Satisfied." Crowd also uses an emoji scale.

Integration Points:

  • Relevant Interactions: Place the feedback widget at the end of significant touchpoints — after a support ticket resolution, a purchase, or the use of a new feature.

  • Non-intrusive Placement: Ensure the widget doesn’t disrupt the user experience. It should be easily accessible but not obstructive.

Follow-up Questions:

  • After the initial CSAT question, provide an option for users to elaborate on their rating. Open-ended questions can yield valuable insights.

Real-time Analysis:

  • Instant Notifications: Set up real-time alerts for low scores to address any issues promptly.

  • Aggregate Data: Over time, analyze the collected data to identify trends in customer satisfaction.

Feedback Loop:

  • Immediate Response: If a user leaves a negative rating, consider giving a response that acknowledges their feedback and assures them that their concerns will be addressed.

  • Iterative Improvements: Use the feedback to implement improvements and iterate on your product or service.

Transparency and Trust:

  • Privacy Assurance: Communicate how the feedback will be used and ensure user data privacy.

  • Opt-in/Opt-out: Give users the option to participate in the survey and ensure they can easily opt out if they choose.

Integration with Other Tools:

  • CRM Systems: Link feedback to individual user profiles in your Customer Relationship Management system to tailor future interactions.

  • Support Platforms: If the feedback widget is used post-support interaction, integrate it with your support platform to get a comprehensive view of customer issues.

Reporting and Visualization:

  • Use the feedback analysis dashboards that highlight CSAT scores over time, breaking down data by different categories, touchpoints, or demographics.


  • Consider offering users a small incentive for participating in the CSAT survey, like entry into a prize draw or a discount on their next purchase.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly review and refine your CSAT questions to ensure they stay relevant and continue to provide actionable insights.

  • Adjust the widget's design or placement based on user engagement metrics to increase participation.

By effectively integrating CSAT surveys into your feedback widget, you provide users with an easy and intuitive way to share their experiences, leading to actionable insights that can drive improvements in your product or service.

3. Collecting Feature Request With Crowd Feedback Widget

Collecting feature requests via a feedback widget is a great way to gauge user needs, prioritize product development, and enhance the overall user experience. Implementing a system that captures, manages, and acts upon these feature requests efficiently is crucial. Here’s a guide on how to effectively use a feedback widget for feature request collection on Crowd.

Widget Design & Placement:

  • Accessibility: Ensure the widget is easily accessible from all pages or sections where users might want to suggest features.

  • Visibility: While the widget should be noticeable, it shouldn't disrupt the user experience. Consider using an icon or a floating button that expands upon a click.

  • Responsive: Ensure the widget is mobile-responsive if your platform supports mobile users.

Encourage Context:

  • Ask users to provide use cases or scenarios to understand the context behind their request.


  • Confirmation Message: Upon submission, show a customized message thanking the user and confirming the receipt of their suggestion.

  • Feedback Loop: Consider notifying users if their suggested feature gets implemented or if there are updates about it.

Integration & Analysis:

  • Centralized Repository: Store all feature requests in a centralized system or platform for easy review and analysis.

  • Trend Identification: Periodically analyze requests to identify commonly requested features or themes.

  • Prioritization: Use the urgency indicators, user suggestions, and your product strategy to prioritize feature development.

Engagement & Community Building:

  • Public Roadmap: If appropriate, maintain a public roadmap where users can see planned features and the status of requested features.

  • Community Discussions: Allow comments or discussions around feature requests to encourage community engagement and flesh out ideas.

Data Privacy:

  • Anonymity Option: Allow users to submit feature requests anonymously if they prefer.

  • Data Protection: Ensure you handle and store user data in compliance with relevant regulations.

Feedback Incentivization:

  • Consider offering rewards or recognition to users who suggest features that get implemented. This can encourage more users to provide valuable input.

Collecting feature requests through a feedback widget not only empowers users by giving them a voice in the development process but also provides invaluable insights to product teams, ensuring that the product evolves in a direction aligned with user needs.

4. Bug Tracking With Crowd Feedback Widget

Bug tracking is a critical component of any software development and maintenance process. A feedback widget can be a valuable tool for capturing, categorizing, and addressing bugs reported by end-users in real-time. Here's how to effectively utilize a feedback widget for bug tracking on Crowd;

Widget Design & Placement:

  • Visibility: Ensure the widget is noticeable yet unobtrusive. Consider a bug icon or label to make it explicit.

  • Accessibility: Place the widget consistently across all pages or sections of your application or website.

  • User Experience: Ensure the widget is easy to use, intuitive, and responsive across devices.

Bug Reporting Form:

  • Description: Include a text field for users to describe the bug in detail.

  • Screenshots/Attachments: Allow users to attach screenshots, screen recordings, or other files that can illustrate the issue.

  • Reproduction Steps: Ask users for steps to reproduce the bug by screen recording, which is invaluable for developers.

Feedback Loop:

  • Acknowledgment: Send a customized automatic response or show a message thanking the user for their report and assuring them it will be looked into.

  • Progress Updates: If feasible, notify users about the status of the bugs they reported (e.g., "Under Review," "In Progress," "Resolved").

Integration with Bug Tracking System:

  • Ensure the feedback widget integrates seamlessly with your existing bug-tracking or issue-management system.

  • Automate the creation of new tickets or issues based on user reports, complete with all the captured data.

Prioritization & Triage:

  • Use severity levels, frequency of reports, and potential impact to prioritize bug fixing.

  • Regularly review and triage incoming bug reports to address critical issues promptly.

Analysis & Insights:

  • Periodically analyze the collected data to identify recurring issues, potential areas of improvement, or patterns indicating systemic problems.

Data Privacy & Security:

  • Ensure that any user data collected is protected and handled according to relevant regulations.

  • Allow users to report bugs anonymously if they prefer.

Incentivizing Reports:

  • Consider offering rewards, discounts, or recognition to users who report significant or critical bugs. This can motivate more users to take the time to report issues.

Incorporating a feedback widget for bug tracking can greatly enhance the user experience by making it easy for users to report issues and feel heard. For developers, it provides real-time insights from actual users, ensuring quicker resolutions and a more stable product.