Home Guides How to install widget, deactivate widget and manage feedback submissions

How to install widget, deactivate widget and manage feedback submissions

Last updated on Jan 31, 2024

Key Points;






  1. How The Widget Installation Works

Once a new Widget has been created, Crowd will take you to the “Edit widget page”

After widget customization, scroll down to installation and follow the steps below;

  1. Copy the embed code snippet provided by Crowd by clicking on “Click on copy”

  2. Paste it before the end of the closing tag in the HTML of every page you want the widget to display

  3. Test connection to be sure it’s properly installed

Once your widget has been installed to your preference, you can save your work and your widget is active on your website. You can now proceed to the feedback submissions settings.

2. How To Share, Delete, Edit, And Rename Widgets From The Response Page

You can share, edit, delete, and even rename your widget from your feedback widget response page.

Click on the “more options” tab on the top right of your response page.

3. How does Crowd detect that your widget is installed

When you paste the code snippet on the page website and refresh your website page, a request will be made to the Crowd server to fetch and load the widget details. But before the widget will be displayed on your website, necessary checks will be made which are listed below:

  1. Is widget activated: By default, every widget created is active meaning that once installed will be visible on the website. But in a situation that it was deactivated then it will not be displayed on your website.

  2. Display Rules: While editing and customizing your widget, there are two major display rules you have to set which are for device and Visibility based on your URL. So depending on these rules the widget will show if the checks were passed.

  3. Domain check: Note that Crowd widget can only be installed on one domain or subdomain at a time. Meaning you can't install it on two domains (eg. example.com and test.example.com). Thus if you want to install it on a new domain or subdomain you have to unlink the current domain and then install it on the new one by clicking on the installation item on the Edit Widget page, and you will see an unlink website button to unlink the domain.

4. Deactivating Your Widget

To deactivate your widget, Navigate to the response page, and click on the “ACTIVATE” button on the top right corner of your screen to deactivate your widget.

Once your widget has been deactivated, it will no longer be visible on your website.

5. How To Manage Feedback Submissions

Managing feedback submissions requires a systematic approach to ensure that user inputs are captured, categorized, acted upon, and communicated effectively.

Here's a structured method for handling feedback submissions on Crowd;

Collection and Storage:

  • Centralized Database: Store all feedback submissions in a centralized database to facilitate easy access and analysis.

  • Timestamp and Metadata: Record the time of submission and any associated metadata (like the user ID, device type, or page they were on) to provide context.


  • Severity Level: For feedback indicating issues or bugs, assess the severity of the problem.

  • User Demand: Prioritize feedback based on the frequency of similar requests or suggestions.

  • Feasibility: Consider the practicality and resources required to address the feedback.

Categorization and Tagging:

  • Automated Classification: Use algorithms or keyword filters to auto-classify feedback into broad categories like bugs, feature requests, or general comments.

  • Manual Review: Designate team members to manually review, categorize, and tag feedback to ensure accuracy and identify nuances.

Assignment and Action:

  • Direct to Relevant Teams: Forward feedback to appropriate departments or teams (e.g., technical issues to the IT team, feature requests to the product team).

  • Integration with Task Management: Integrate feedback with Crowd task management tool to track the progress of addressing the feedback.


  • Acknowledgment: Edit your Thank You screen to acknowledge users who submit feedback, thanking them for their input.

  • Status Updates: If feasible, inform users about the status of their feedback, especially if it leads to tangible changes or fixes.

Analysis and Reporting:

  • Trend Analysis: Identify patterns or recurring feedback to understand overarching user sentiments or pressing issues.

  • Regular Reporting: Create regular reports or dashboards for stakeholders, summarizing feedback trends, resolved issues, and ongoing concerns.

Feedback Loop Closure:

  • Release Notes or Updates: Publicly share updates or changes made in response to feedback to demonstrate that you value user input.

  • User Testing: If major changes are implemented based on feedback, consider running focused user testing sessions to validate these changes.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Refine the Widget: Use the feedback about the feedback widget itself to make it more user-friendly or efficient.

  • Iterate: As your product or service evolves, regularly revisit and update the feedback management process.

Data Privacy:

  • Anonymize Data: If you're sharing or analyzing feedback publicly, ensure personal details are anonymized.

  • Compliance: Ensure your feedback collection and storage practices comply with data protection regulations relevant to your audience

Feedback Incentivization:

  • Rewards: Consider offering users incentives like discounts, badges, or early access to features for providing valuable feedback.

Effectively managing feedback submissions not only enhances the user experience but also provides valuable insights for product and service improvement. It's a two-way street that benefits both users and businesses.