Home Guides Step-by-step guide on how to use Kanban board

Step-by-step guide on how to use Kanban board

Last updated on Jun 11, 2024

Key Points;

  • Step-by-step on how to create a Kanban board

  • How to prioritize your cards

  • Common use cases of Kanban board.

Crowd Kanban board feature has a limited slot for those on the free plan and starter plan.

  1. How to Create Kanban Board On Crowd

    A. Create a Kanban board

    Login on Crowd and navigate to your dashboard. Then click on “Kanban board’ and create a new board.

B. Define your columns (LIST)

You can rename your list by clicking on the three right buttons on your list.

TIPS: You can select from our numerous Kanban board templates. Rather than building one from scratch.

You can create more lists to represent the stages of your work on your board: To do this, click on the (+) sign on the right side of your board just after the “DONE” list.

C . Create your cards

Populate your boards with cards for each task or work item you need to complete. Add a title, description, and any relevant details

D. Move cards across columns

You can move your card across columns(lists), by double-clicking on them and moving them horizontally from left to right across your list, depending on your workflow.

E. You can regularly review your board to add, delete, or archive your card. To fit your team goals and feedback.

2. How To Prioritize Your Card On Kanban Board

Crowd has three (3) priority stages for your cards. The Low, Medium, and High priority stages.

To be able to prioritize your card on a list when creating a new card. After you click on “Add a new card”, you name your card and write a description on it and then you scroll down to the column named “Priority” to tag your card either a low, medium, or high priority.

To ensure your card is being managed, you can assign it either to yourself or to a team member who has access to your workspace.

You can manage your card after naming it and putting a description on it.

3. Common Kanban Board Use Cases

Kanban boards are versatile and can be used across various work types and scenarios. We have different templates on Crowd that a Kanban board can be applied to. Some of them are as follows;

A. Customer Support: Monitoring support ticket progress and response times.

B. Marketing**:** Planning and tracking marketing campaigns, content creation, and social media strategies.

C. Software Development: Tracking user stories, bugs, and features through development stages.

  • Project Management: Managing project tasks, timelines, and dependencies.

  • Personal Task Management: Organizing personal to-do lists and daily tasks.