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By Crowd team
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crowds document feature

In this article, we'll cover what a Doc is on Crowd and how to link/unlink your projects on docs, we’ll also cover how to share your docs and privacy practices related to docs. KEY POINTS - What are Crowd Docs? - The Key features that Crowd Docs have to offer. - The benefits of linking projects to your Crowd Doc. WHAT ARE CROWD DOCS? Crowd Docs are a centralized location for storing and sharing user research insights. You can create different documents, link them to projects, and export them as PDFs. It fosters knowledge sharing and keeps everyone updated on insights from feedback and testing. It offers a wide range of features to help you write and format text, collaborate in real-time with your teammates, and keep track of document changes. WHAT ARE THE KEY FEATURES THAT CROWD HAS TO OFFER? - Real-time collaboration: Work on documents simultaneously with teammates, seeing their edits in real-time. - Auto-Save: Your work is automatically saved as you go, so you don't have to worry about losing data. - Link Projects: Your other projects on Crowd can be linked to your documents for easy editing by teammates and to help keep track of your work. - Templates: Start with professionally designed templates to jump-start your document creation. - Exporting: You can share your documents by downloading them and exporting them as pdf to others who are not on your workspace and are not Crowd users. THE BENEFITS OF LINKING PROJECTS TO YOUR CROWD DOC - Centralized Information: It allows users to centralize information from various project types into a single, easily accessible location. This reduces the need to switch between different features, streamlining the workflow. - Efficiency: Users can save time searching for relevant project information. Instead of digging through multiple tabs or folders, they can access linked projects directly from Docs. - Traceability: It enhances traceability by showing how different projects are interconnected. Users can track the evolution of ideas, from research to implementation, through the links between projects. - Knowledge Transfer: When team members change or new team members join linked projects provide a quick way to understand past work and decisions, facilitating knowledge transfer. - Seamless Collaboration: It promotes seamless collaboration among team members. Everyone can access linked projects, making it easier to understand the broader context of the work being done and collaborate effectively. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ➡️LINKING PROJECTS ON YOUR CROWD DOCS - To link your projects, navigate to the top of your document while in editing mode and click on "Link to a project." - Next, choose the specific projects you'd like to link from your previously created projects. ➡️HOW TO UNLINK PROJECTS - To link projects on your Crowd Docs, begin by selecting "Link Projects." To unlink a project, simply deselect the one you wish to remove. ➡️HOW MANY PROJECTS CAN I LINK TO A DOC? There is no limit to the number of projects you can link to a document. Feel free to add as many as you need.

Last updated on Jan 31, 2024

How to use crowds docs

Key Points; - How to share your Docs - How to save your Docs - This article will describe how to use Crowd Docs feature. How to share, delete, save, edit, duplicate your Docs. How to duplicate and delete your Docs - How to set a Doc as your Favorite. 1. Sharing your Docs To initiate the process of sharing your document on Crowd, locate the "share icon" positioned at the upper-right corner of your document. Next, you have two options: - Click on "Copy link" to generate a direct link to your document, which you can then share with others. - Select "Export as PDF" to automatically download your document as a PDF file on your device. This PDF can be easily shared with others. 2. Saving Your Crowd Docs To save your Crowd docs after making changes, simply click on the 'Done editing' button located at the top right corner of your document. Your work will be saved automatically. 3. Delete And Duplicate Your Crowd Docs To delete a document, click on the 'More Options' button located in the upper right corner of the document and choose 'delete'. To create a copy of your document, click on the 'More options' button in the upper right corner of the document and select 'duplicate'. 4. Setting A Crowd Doc As Your “favorite” 1. To designate a document as your "favorite," simply hover your mouse over any document on the dashboard. 2. You will promptly see a star icon; click on it to mark the document as your preferred choice. 5. How To Search For Your Favorite Crowd Docs To find your preferred Crowd Docs: - Navigate to the docs dashboard. - Locate and select "Favorites" in the upper-right corner. By clicking on "Favorites," you'll be able to view all the documents you've marked as favorites, while temporarily hiding the others. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - CAN I DUPLICATE MY CROWDS DOC WITH LINKED PROJECTS? Yes, you can duplicate your documents with linked projects but the linked projects will not be visible on the newly duplicated documents. - I CAN’T FIND MY DOCUMENTS Having trouble locating your documents? First, ensure you're not in the 'Favorites' tab. If you still can't find them, please contact our customer success team @support.crowdapp.io.

Last updated on Jan 31, 2024

Securing your documents on Crowd

At Crowd, we take your security and privacy seriously. We are committed to ensuring that your documents and personal information are protected. Security Measures 1. Data Encryption All data transferred between your device and Docs is encrypted using industry-standard SSL/TLS encryption protocols. This encryption ensures that your documents and data remain confidential during transmission. 2. Access Control Docs employ strict access controls and authentication mechanisms. You have control over who can access your documents, and you can set permissions to determine whether collaborators can view, edit, or comment on your documents. 3. Data Backups We regularly back up your data to prevent data loss. These backups are securely stored to ensure document recovery in case of unexpected events. 4. Vulnerability Testing Our security team conducts regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address potential security weaknesses. 5. Compliance We comply with data protection laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our practices are designed to protect your data and privacy rights. Privacy Practices 1. Data Ownership You own the content you create and upload to Docs. We do not claim ownership of your documents, and we do not use them for any purpose other than providing you with our services. 2. Data Collection We collect minimal data required for the operation of Docs, such as your email address and basic account information. We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties for advertising or marketing purposes. 3. Document Privacy By default, your documents are private. You have control over sharing and can choose who has access to your documents. We do not access your documents unless explicitly requested by you for support or troubleshooting. 4. Data Deletion You can delete your documents and account at any time. When you delete a document, it is removed from our active servers, and we make reasonable efforts to ensure it is not recoverable. 5. Transparency We are committed to transparency about our security and privacy practices. If you have questions or concerns about our security or privacy policies, please refer to our Privacy Policy or contact our support team for clarification. At Crowd, your security and privacy are paramount. We continuously update and improve our security measures to protect your data, and we respect your right to control your documents and personal information.

Last updated on Jan 31, 2024