Home Unmoderated Test Unmoderated Test: Simple Survey

Unmoderated Test: Simple Survey

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

The Simple Survey feature on Crowd provides users with valuable insights into their target audience's opinions, preferences, and behaviors. By including demographic questions in the survey, Crowd users can gain a better understanding of who their customers are, what they want, and why they use their product or service.

This feature also helps identify multiple subgroups of users who interact with the product differently. Tailoring the user testing process to each specific subgroup ensures that the feedback received is relevant and actionable.

Overall, the Simple Survey feature helps Crowd users make data-driven decisions, improve their products or services, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction and retention.

Steps to Create a Simple Survey

1. Select the Simple Survey Test:

  • Start by selecting the "Simple Survey" test from the list of unmoderated test options.

2 . Select Answer Type:

  • Choose the preferred answer type for each question. Options include short text, long text, multiple choice, Yes or No, checkbox, verbal response, and linear scale. Select the answer type that best fits the question to gather accurate and relevant responses.

3. Set Question Requirements:

  • To make a question compulsory, toggle on the required button. If this is enabled, testers must answer the question to proceed. If left off, testers can skip the question.

4. Duplicate Questions:

  • Click on the duplicate button to create a copy of a question.

5. Delete Questions:

  • Click on the delete button to remove a question.

6. Duplicate Entire Sections:

  • To duplicate an entire section or block, click on the duplicate icon in the top right corner of the block.

7. Delete Entire Sections:

  • Click on the delete icon to remove an entire block or section.

8. Add New Questions:

  • Click on the "Add New Question" button to include additional questions. Multiple questions can be added within one section.

9. Enable Conditional Logic:

  • Toggle on conditional logic to display specific questions to users based on predefined conditions that you set.