Home Crowd Docs How to use crowds docs

How to use crowds docs

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Key Points;

  • How to share your Docs

  • How to save your Docs

  • How to set a Doc as your Favorite.

    1. Sharing your Docs

    To initiate the process of sharing your document on Crowd, locate the "share icon" positioned at the upper-right corner of your document.

    Next, you have two options:

    • Click on "Copy link" to generate a direct link to your document, which you can then share with others.

    • Select "Export as PDF" to automatically download your document as a PDF file on your device. This PDF can be easily shared with others.

2. How to Save a Doc

To save your Crowd docs after making changes, simply click on the 'Done editing' button located at the top right corner of your document. Your work will be saved .

3. How to Delete And Duplicate a Doc

To delete a document, click on the 'More Options' button located in the upper right corner of the document and choose 'delete'.

To create a copy of your document, click on the 'More options' button in the upper right corner of the document and select 'duplicate'.

4. How to Set a Doc as “favorite”

  1. To designate a document as your "favorite," simply hover your mouse over any document on the dashboard.

  2. You will promptly see a star icon; click on it to mark the document as your preferred choice.

5. How To Search For a Favorite Doc

To find your preferred Crowd Docs:

  • Navigate to the docs dashboard.

  • Locate and select "Favorites" in the upper-right corner.

By clicking on "Favorites," you'll be able to view all the documents you've marked as favorites, while temporarily hiding the others.


  • Can I Duplicate A Doc With Linked Projects?

Yes, you can duplicate your documents with linked projects but the linked projects will not be visible on the newly duplicated documents.

  • I Can’t Find My Documents

Having trouble locating your documents? First, ensure you're not in the 'Favorites' tab. If you still can't find them, please contact our customer success team @support.crowdapp.io.