Home Unmoderated Test Unmoderated test result dashboard

Unmoderated test result dashboard

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Key Points;

  • Result dashboard

  • Filtering your result

  • Result metrics.

  • User Sessions

  • AI Analysis

Result dashboard

The Result dashboard includes the following;

  • Participant session: A "participant session" is a fundamental unit of interaction in usability testing and user research, where a single user or participant engages with a product or service while being observed and evaluated by researchers to gain insights and make improvements.

  • Number of sessions: The number of sessions can refer to the count of individual instances when a user accesses a website, app, or online service. It is often used in web analytics to track user engagement.

  • Completion rates: Completion rates are a critical metric for assessing the effectiveness of data collection efforts. High completion rates often indicate that a survey or data collection process is engaging and effective, while low completion rates may suggest issues that need to be addressed to improve user engagement and data quality.

  • Average duration: Average duration can be used to assess how long it takes participants to complete specific tasks or interactions. This metric helps evaluate task efficiency and user satisfaction.

Filtering your test results

  • View the Results:

    Access the results of the test. This typically includes various data points, such as task completion times and user comments.

  • Identify Key Metrics:

    Determine the specific metrics or data points you want to filter. For example, you might want to focus on users who spent a certain amount of time on a particular page or users who provided specific comments.

  • Apply Filters:

    Apply Filters on Crowd, Crowd filters include the participant duration, country, test date, device, browser, and recruitment source.

  • Analyze Filtered Results:

    After applying the filters, you'll be left with a subset of data that meets your specified criteria. This filtered data is often presented in a more manageable format, making it easier to analyze.

  • Interpret Insights:

    Analyze the filtered results to draw meaningful insights. For example, if you filtered for successful task completion, you can determine the factors contributing to task success. If you filter for specific user comments, you can identify recurring themes or issues.

  • Report Findings:

    Document your findings and insights in a report or presentation. This is crucial for communicating results to stakeholders and guiding design decisions.

  • Iterate and Improve:

    Use the insights gained from your filtered results to make design improvements or to inform future iterations of your product or service.

Result metrics

  1. Completion and Abandonment rate

Completion Rate:

  • Definition: The completion rate is a measure of the percentage of users or participants who successfully finish a specific online task, form, survey, or process. It reflects the number of individuals who go through the entire process and submit the required information or reach the intended goal.

  • Calculation: To calculate the completion rate, you divide the number of users who completed the task by the total number of users who initiated the process and then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

  • Importance: Completion rates are crucial for assessing the user-friendliness and effectiveness of digital processes. High completion rates indicate that the process is easy to navigate, user-friendly, and engaging. Low completion rates may suggest issues that need improvement, such as form complexity or unclear instructions.

Abandonment Rate:

  • Definition: The abandonment rate, often referred to as the "drop-off rate" or "exit rate," is the percentage of users who start a specific process but do not complete it and instead abandon it before reaching the final step or goal.

  • Calculation: To calculate the abandonment rate, you divide the number of users who abandoned the process by the total number of users who initiated it and then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

  • Importance: Abandonment rates can provide valuable insights into the pain points and obstacles users encounter during a process. High abandonment rates may indicate issues like lengthy and complex forms, slow load times, unclear instructions, or confusing user interfaces.

2. Completion time graph: A completion time graph, also known as a task duration graph, is a graphical representation used to display the time it takes for participants to complete specific tasks or activities. These graphs are particularly useful in evaluating the efficiency and usability of digital interfaces, websites, or applications.

3. Completion by country: Completion by country refers to a statistical or data analysis approach where the completion rates of a specific task, process, or survey are measured and compared among different countries or geographic regions. This analysis can provide insights into how user behavior and task completion vary across different geographic locations.

4. Completion by device: Completion by device involves measuring and comparing the completion rates of a specific task, process, or interaction across different types of devices, such as desktop computers and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). This analysis provides insights into how user behavior and task completion vary based on the device users are using.

5. Completion by operation system: Completion by operating system involves measuring and comparing the completion rates of a specific task, process, or interaction across different operating systems. This analysis provides insights into how user behavior and task completion vary based on the operating system (OS) users are using.

6. Completion by recruitment source: Completion by recruitment source is used to assess and compare the completion rates of a particular task, survey, or process based on the different sources or methods used to recruit participants or users. This analysis allows organizations and researchers to understand how user behavior and task completion vary depending on the recruitment source.

User sessions

  • Participants: The individuals involved in the test, or survey, that provide valuable feedback and insights based on their experiences and perspectives.

  • Region: The geographical area or location where participants are situated, offering context to user behavior and preferences within specific regions.

  • Completion: The status of participants' completion rate in a task or survey. It is crucial for analyzing user interaction and study outcomes.

  • Date and Time: The specific point in time when a task or survey is conducted, enabling researchers to analyze temporal patterns and potential influences on participant responses.

  • Average Duration: The mean amount of time taken by participants to complete a task or survey, providing a measure of engagement and user commitment.

  • Device: The electronic tool or platform used by participants, such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet, influencing user experience and behavior.

  • Recording: The capturing of audio, video, or other data during a session, facilitating a comprehensive review and analysis of participant interactions and feedback.

AI Analysis

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Summary:

  • An AI summary refers to the use of artificial intelligence to analyze and distill key insights, patterns, or trends from user testing data. This can include automating the identification of common user behaviors, preferences, or issues to provide a quick and informative overview for researchers.

Ask AI:

  • Asking AI involves querying artificial intelligence systems for recommendations or analyses related to user behavior, usability, and overall user experience. This interaction allows researchers to leverage AI capabilities to enhance the understanding of user testing results and inform decision-making.

Tips; Learn more about the different AI summaries across the tests on Crowd.