Home Unmoderated Test Tasked and non-tasked based tests

Tasked and non-tasked based tests

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024

Key Points;

  • Task-based and non-based test,

  • Task-based test

  • Non-based-test

  • Comparison

Task-Based Test And Non-Tasked-Based Test

Crowd gives you the option of task-based and non-tasked-based tests during the Website evaluation and prototype evaluation testing. Now let’s see what it means when to use it and its comparison;

Task-Based Test

What is it? Task-based testing involves providing participants with a set of tasks to perform using a product. The goal is to observe how users interact with the product and identify any usability issues that arise.

Key Characteristics:

  • Structured Approach: Participants are given specific tasks or scenarios to complete.

  • Observable Challenges: By watching participants attempt to complete tasks, researchers can identify where users get stuck or confused.

  • Measurable Outcomes: Tasks usually have a clear success or failure outcome, making it easier to quantify results.

  • Goal-Oriented: Helps in understanding if the product allows users to achieve their goals efficiently.

When to Use:

  • When you want to test the usability of specific features or functions of a product.

  • When you need quantitative data, like task completion rates or time taken to complete a task.

  • When validating solutions to previously identified usability issues.

Non-Task-Based Test

What is it? Non-task-based testing allows users to interact freely with a product without any specific direction or task. It aims to understand users' perceptions, feelings, and overall experience with the product.

Key Characteristics:

  • Exploratory Nature: Users are not constrained by specific tasks and can navigate and interact as they wish.

  • Gathers Qualitative Data: Through open-ended interactions, you can gather insights into users' preferences, opinions, and overall impressions.

  • User-driven: Researchers can understand what users naturally gravitate towards and how they organically use the product.

When to Use:

  • When introducing users to a product for the first time to see their initial reactions and behaviors.

  • When looking to understand users' overall impressions, feelings, and opinions about a product.

  • When the research objective is more about gathering broad feedback rather than testing specific functionalities.


  • Objectivity: Task-based tests are more objective since they revolve around specific tasks with measurable outcomes. Non-task-based tests are more subjective, focusing on user opinions and feelings.

  • Data Type: Task-based tests often produce both qualitative (e.g., user feedback) and quantitative data (e.g., task completion rates). Non-task-based tests primarily yield qualitative data.

  • Focus: Task-based tests target specific functionalities or areas of a product. Non-task-based tests provide insights into the overall user experience.

  • Flexibility: Task-based tests are more structured and may not allow for much deviation. Non-task-based tests offer more flexibility as users can interact without constraints.