Home Crowd Integrations Crowd Web Integration Feature

Crowd Web Integration Feature

Last updated on Apr 15, 2024

Key Points

  • How it works

  • What are the benefits?

  • Types of Tests for Comprehensive Website Feedback

Here, you'll find detailed guidance on how to leverage Crowd's web integration feature to deploy tests and surveys seamlessly on your website. This feature allows you to collect real-time feedback from users interacting with your platform, enhancing your understanding of user experiences and preferences.  It complements other tester recruitment processes:

  • Email invites

  • Shareable links

  • Hiring from the participant pool

How It Works:

Crowd web integration feature streamlines the process of collecting user feedback by embedding tests directly onto your website. Here's a step-by-step overview:

  • Create an Unmoderated Test: Begin by setting up an unmoderated test tailored to the specific insights you wish to gather from your website visitors.

  • Embed on Your Website: Once your test is created, you'll receive an embed code. Simply insert this code into the website where you want the test or survey to appear. If you need assistance with this step, refer to our step-by-step guide on how to insert code into your website.

  • Gather Real-time Feedback: As visitors engage with your website, they can participate in the embedded test, providing you with immediate insights into their experiences and preferences.

  • Analyze Results: Access the results of the test on the Crowd platform through the result page or via your Slack integration for collecting responses. Compile user feedback for analysis to gain valuable insights and inform decision-making processes.

What are the Benefits?

Utilizing Crowd's web integration feature offers several benefits:

  • Convenience: Eliminate the need for external survey tools by integrating tests directly onto your website.

  • Real-time Insights: Capture user experiences as they naturally browse your website, providing you with timely and relevant feedback.

  • Flexibility: Choose from a variety of test formats, from task-based tests to opinion polls, to gather the specific feedback you need.

Types of Tests for Comprehensive Website Feedback

Harnessing the potential of unmoderated tests can be a game-changer in understanding your users' behaviors and preferences. Crowd provides a diverse range of test formats tailored to offer deep insights into user experiences. Let's explore each test format and how they can be effectively employed:

1. Usability Tests with Web Evaluation:

  • Task Completion: Measure the intuitiveness of your website by tracking user success rates for tasks such as sign-ups or product selection. This helps in understanding how easily users can accomplish essential actions on your site.

  • First Click Tests: Determine the immediate actions users take on a new webpage, which is crucial for understanding intuitive design pathways and identifying areas that might confuse users.

2. Preference Tests for A/B Testing:

  • Split Testing: Present users with two design alternatives and discern which resonates more. This allows you to optimize web elements based on user preferences, ensuring the most effective content and design elements take prominence.

3. Prototype Evaluation and Heatmaps:

  • Prototype Evaluation: Visualize user interactions with your prototypes and track their actions, translating them into heatmaps. This helps identify hotspots of activity and areas that might need more engagement. It enables you to fine-tune your prototype based on real user engagement patterns before finalizing the design.

4. Feedback Through Design Surveys:

  • Design Surveys: Capture in-depth feedback about design concepts, collecting actionable insights on specific design elements or overall aesthetics. By refining and iterating based on users' authentic reactions and suggestions, you can enhance the user experience significantly.

5. 5-Second Tests:

  • Immediate Impression Evaluation: Evaluate users' first impressions within the initial 5 seconds of viewing a page. This test helps in understanding the immediate impact of your webpage or design, identifying elements that catch attention and those that might be missed at first glance.

6. Simple Surveys and NPS:

  • Broad Feedback and Loyalty Measurement: Dive into broad feedback or gauge user loyalty through simple surveys and Net Promoter Score evaluations. Measure user satisfaction, pinpoint areas needing improvement, and assess loyalty and recommendation potential.

7. Card Sorting for User-Friendly Structures:

  • Information Organization Evaluation: Understand how users categorize and expect information to be organized with card sorting tests. Gain insights into intuitive site structures and reorganize content based on user expectations, ensuring smoother navigation and enhanced user experience.