Crowd Features

Last updated on May 24, 2024

Team Workspace

Crowd's Team Workspace feature facilitates seamless collaboration among team members. As the workspace owner, you can invite others via email and assign them as editors or viewers. Editors have full project control, while viewers can only observe without editing capabilities. This ensures efficient project management and collaboration.

Unmoderated Tests

Crowd provides an array of unmoderated tests, such as Simple Survey, Design Survey, Website Evaluation, Card Sorting, Five-Second Test, Prototype Evaluation, and Preference Test, enabling you to collect authentic feedback from real users on various aspects, including research questions, product images, website usability, and information architecture. After creating tests, a link is generated, it can also be shared via email, or you can hire from our [pool of participants] from different demographics. You can Analyze responses, view metrics, session recordings and AI-powered insights to gain valuable insights,

Moderated Sessions

Moderated sessions are invaluable research and feedback tools due to their interactive and real-time nature. Conduct live interviews, focus groups, or usability studies by directly engaging with users through moderated sessions. Schedule instant sessions for immediate feedback or sessions for later to accommodate user availability.

Kanban Board

Organize your work effectively with Crowd's Kanban board. This visual tool consists of columns representing different stages of your workflow and cards representing individual tasks. Monitor task status and project progress at a glance, making it ideal for teams adopting agile methodologies.


Crowd's major differentiator is its widgets, which allow you to collect feedback on the go. Easily install, configure, and customize widgets to fit your website's look and feel. Collect feedback through ratings, surveys, and comments, providing valuable insights to improve user experience and drive success.


Streamline your workflow with Crowd's templates for surveys, feedback widgets, Kanban boards, and docs. These pre-designed layouts ensure consistency and save time, making it easier for non-experts to create professional-looking content.


With Crowd you can seamlessly connect with various platforms to enhance user research, feedback collection and workflows through 3rd-party integrations like;-

  • [Slack]

  • [Zapier].

  • [Prolific]

  • [AI analysis]

Ready to unlock the full potential of Crowd? Dive in and start leveraging these powerful features to make confident decisions and drive success in your projects!